January 21st 2024
Kafka is an existential threat for our mind
On June 3, 2024, Franz Kafka’s death anniversary would have marked its 100th year. In commemoration, I’ve summarized some psychological studies for Süddeutsche Zeitung that explore the impact of reading Kafka on the mind. Turns out: Kafka is a meaning threat! Read all the details here (in German, behind paywall).

June 8th 2024
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

June 1st 2024
New collage...
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

May 31st 2024
New collage
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

May 11th 2024
New collage!
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

May 9th 2024
New collage
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

May 5th 2024
New collage
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

April 14th 2024
Collage, new!
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

April 13th 2024
New collage!
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising poster/print screen

March 1st 2024
New collage...
Abstract collage consisting of parts from an advertising column

February 16th 2024
Another collage...
Abstract collage consisting of parts from a billboard (print screen) and an NASA images from space

February 10th 2024
New collage
Abstract collage consisting of parts from a billboard (print screen) and an old anatomical illustration

February 4th 2024
Collage, new!
Abstract collage consisting of parts from a billboard (print screen) and a black and white photo

February 3rd 2024
New collage!
Abstract collage consisting of parts from a billboard (print screen) and a rusty pipe

January 19th 2024
New collage
Abstract collage consisting of parts from a billboard (print screen)

January 6th 2024
New collage
Abstract collage consisting of parts from a billboard, one of them showing the number 2

January 4th 2024
Patterns, Paranormal and Psychosis
Collage consisting of parts from a landscape picture and a portrait, creating an ambiguous face stimulus, depicting the phenomenon of apophenia
Pattern detection is an essential skill for human and nonhuman animals. However, it has a dark side as the detection of (implausible) patterns seems to be involved in paranormal beliefs and maybe even in psychotic illnesses, research shows. I have written about the topic for German Newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. Read the article here (in German, behind paywall).

January 3rd 2024
New collage!
Collage consisting of parts from an advertising column (Litfaßsäule)

January 2nd 2024
Happy New Year!
New collage:
Collage consisting of parts from an advertising column (Litfaßsäule)

December 28th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from old books and advertisements

December 20th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from old books and advertisements

November 18th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from posters/print screens

November 5th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from old anatomical illustrations

October 30th 2023
Ironic errors: How to Think, Say, or Do Precisely the Worst
Trying to avoid certain errors sometimes increases the risk to actually commit those exact errors (which is why they are called "ironic" or "paradoxical errors"). I have written about the topic for German Newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung – and about Daniel Wegner's Ironic Process Theory (IPT), the most researched psychological concept to explain ironic errors (the heading of this paragraph is borrowed from one of Wegner's own papers in which he explains his IPT). Read my article here (paywall!) or here (no paywall; Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger).

October 27th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from print screens and an old army poster

October 21th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from anatomicaL pictures and illustrations

October 14th 2023
New Collage!
Collage consisting of different parts from anatomicaL pictures and illustrations

October 7th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts from a print screen and a picture of a slime mold

September 29th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts of a neck from an old anatomical book and parts from a print screen

September 24th 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts of a face from an old magazine

September 23rd 2023
New Collage
Collage consisting of different parts of a face from an old anatomical book

September 12th 2023
Collage, once again
Collage consisting of different cutouts from a billboard poster and an old illustration of the moon

September 3rd 2023
New collage!
Collage consisting of different cutouts from a billboard poster and an old anatomical illustration

August 21th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of different cutouts from poster - for instance the letter s - and a malignoma illustration

August 13th 2023
Another collage
Collage consisting of red noise from a corrupted JPEG file

July 19th 2023
The Psychology of Pink
With the Barbie-Movie hitting the cinemas in Germany it's time to assess some of pink's alleged qualities: Did the color really used to be a gender-signifier for boys? And does it make people less agressive and less hungry? Read answers to this questions in my quick fact-check, published in my science blog (article in German).

July 16th 2023
Another collage
Collage depiciting a galden sphere emerging from a black void

July 15th 2023
New collage
Collage depiciting a red and a yellow circle and thin black line

June 29th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of parts from a anatomical illustration

June 27th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of parts from a munich subway station

June 23th 2023
The psychology of Inheritance taxation
Inheritance taxes are particular unpopular taxes. This is somewhat puzzling since in Germany (and several other countries) most people will just never inherit enough to have to be taxed for their inheritances (and would profit from redistribution through taxation instead). Recent research points to so called "meritocratic believes" as an important factor, as I have unraveled for German Newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. Read the article here (article in German; behind paywall — at least for now).

June 11th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of parts from print screen

May 21st 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of parts from print screen insinuating a volcano

May 20th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of bony parts from an ear and a pink circle

May 15th 2023
Collage for Springer Medizin
Collage illustrating a deep neural network (a machine learning application) in the dection of melanoma skin cancer
The collage was created for a textual version of my interview with Jakob Kather, Professor for Clinical Artificial Intelligence at the Medical Faculty of Technische Universität Dresden, about AI and it's role in current and future medicine for an episode of the Springer Medizin Podcast.

April 27th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of different print screens parts and materials from urban enviroments

April 16th 2023
New collage
Collage consisting of different print screen parts from a billboard

April 1st 2023
New collage!
Collage consisting of a half face from a sculpture and different parts from print screens

March 24th 2022
New podcast episode: AI in Medicine
I had the great opportunity to speakt to Jakob Kather, Professor for Clinical Artificial Intelligence at the Medical Faculty of Technische Universität Dresden, about AI and it's role in current and future medicine for the most recent episode of the Springer Medizin Podcast. You'd probably be surprised to hear that AI is already part of routine clinical practice. And: If you ever wondered what AI is acutally is and what it's not, and how to define it - this episode will provide some remarkable answers (unfortunately, in German only):

March 20th 2023
A play on AI art
an AI-assisted parody of the famous art work 'Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke schwarz malen' by Sigmar Polke

The German title "KI befahl: linke obere Ecke orange malen!" could be translated as: "AI [artificial intelligence] commanded: paint the upper left-hand corner orange!" In an attempt to recreate the very famous painting Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke schwarz malen (which could be translated as: "Higher beings commanded: paint the upper right-hand corner black") by Sigmar Polke I asked ChatGPT to give me instructions on which corner to paint in which color. Since ChatGPT does not respond to creative requests with specific instructions, I asked for a random color and and a random combination of a horizontal and a vertical position (left, right; top, bottom). ChatGPT gave me the color with the RGB-code #FF5733 (orange) and the position "top-left".

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